We are the industry leader

St Andrews Asbestos Removal

Looking for local Asbestos Removal professionals in St Andrews, New South Wales? We service the whole of the Campbelltown Municipality. See the full list of suburbs below.


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Welcome to Sydney Asbestos Removals, your premier destination for expert asbestos management and abatement services. With years of dedicated experience, our team of certified professionals is equipped with the knowledge and state-of-the-art tools necessary to handle all aspects of asbestos removal safely and efficiently. Understanding the significant health risks associated with asbestos exposure, we are committed to providing top-tier services that ensure the well-being of our clients and the environment. Our expertise extends to a wide range of settings, from residential homes to commercial buildings, making us the trusted choice for all your asbestos-related concerns in the St Andrews area and beyond.

St Andrews, with its unique blend of residential properties and commercial establishments, presents distinct challenges when it comes to asbestos removal. The area’s diverse architectural styles and the presence of older buildings mean that asbestos can be found in various forms and locations, requiring a tailored approach to ensure thorough and safe removal. Sydney Asbestos Removals is deeply familiar with the local St Andrews landscape and regulations, ensuring that every project we undertake meets the strictest safety standards and complies with all local and national guidelines. Our commitment to the community’s health and safety is unwavering, and we strive to deliver peace of mind to our clients through our meticulous and reliable asbestos abatement services.


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St Andrews Asbestos Disposal Contractors

We are a professional team of licensed demolition contractors, that specialise in asbestos removal in the St Andrews area. We provide abatement and testing for both residential homes and commercial site clean up in St Andrews NSW.

Woollahra in Woollahra Suburb Photo

Asbestos Services

We identify and remove dangerous asbestos in residential, commercial and industrial settings.

Asbestos Roofing
Asbestos Fences
Asbestos Tile Removal
Asbestos Guttering & Down pipes
Asbestos Ceiling Sheets
Asbestos Floor Removal
Asbestos Shed Removal
Asbestos Vinyl floor tiles

St Andrews Profile

The history of asbestos usage in St Andrews is reflective of its time, mirroring the widespread adoption of the material across Australia for its durability and fire-resistant properties. Asbestos found its way into numerous key buildings, public facilities, and infrastructure within the suburb, particularly during the mid-20th century when its use peaked. Notable structures in St Andrews, such as older government buildings, schools, and the iconic post-war residential homes, often incorporated asbestos in roofing, insulation, and even flooring. The style of homes in St Andrews typically ranges from brick veneer to weatherboard houses, many of which were constructed during a period when asbestos-containing materials were commonplace in domestic construction. This timeline of asbestos use extends from the early 1900s until the late 1980s when its dangers became more widely acknowledged, leading to a gradual phase-out and eventual national ban in 2003.

Currently, St Andrews faces the ongoing challenge of managing the health implications associated with legacy asbestos. As the dangers of asbestos-related diseases, such as mesothelioma and asbestosis, have become more apparent, the suburb has had to confront the reality of asbestos in its aging buildings. In response, local authorities have implemented stringent measures for asbestos removal, particularly in prominent locations like schools and government offices. These efforts are often conducted in accordance with national safety guidelines, ensuring that asbestos is removed or contained by licensed professionals. Public safety measures include regular inspections, risk assessments, and community awareness campaigns to educate residents about the potential hazards. Health reports have occasionally surfaced, highlighting incidents of asbestos exposure, which have prompted immediate remediation actions. The local government’s commitment to addressing these health concerns is evident in their proactive approach to asbestos management, prioritizing the well-being of St Andrews’ residents and preserving the suburb’s historical integrity.


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