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Jewells Asbestos Removal

Looking for local Asbestos Removal professionals in Jewells, New South Wales? We service the whole of the Lake Macquarie Shire. See the full list of suburbs below.


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Welcome to Sydney Asbestos Removals, where your safety and the integrity of your property are our top priorities. With years of specialized experience in asbestos management, our team of certified professionals is dedicated to providing comprehensive asbestos removal services across the greater Sydney area. Understanding the risks associated with asbestos exposure, we employ state-of-the-art techniques and adhere to strict safety protocols to ensure that all asbestos-containing materials are handled and disposed of properly. Our expertise extends to a wide range of settings, from residential homes to commercial buildings, ensuring that every project is executed with precision and care.

In the serene suburb of Jewells, the legacy of asbestos use in construction poses unique challenges for homeowners and businesses alike. As a community with a rich history and a diverse array of property styles, the need for expert asbestos removal services is paramount to maintain the health and safety of its residents. Sydney Asbestos Removals is deeply familiar with the local Jewells landscape and the specific asbestos-related issues that can arise. We are committed to delivering tailored solutions that meet the area’s regulatory compliance standards, all while minimizing disruption to your daily life. Trust in our local insights and unwavering commitment to safety as we work to create a healthier, asbestos-free environment for the Jewells community.


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Jewells Asbestos Disposal Contractors

We are a professional team of licensed demolition contractors, that specialise in asbestos removal in the Jewells area. We provide abatement and testing for both residential homes and commercial site clean up in Jewells NSW.

Woollahra in Woollahra Suburb Photo

Asbestos Services

We identify and remove dangerous asbestos in residential, commercial and industrial settings.

Asbestos Roofing
Asbestos Fences
Asbestos Tile Removal
Asbestos Guttering & Down pipes
Asbestos Ceiling Sheets
Asbestos Floor Removal
Asbestos Shed Removal
Asbestos Vinyl floor tiles

Jewells Profile

Jewells, a suburb located in the city of Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia, has a history of asbestos usage in its key buildings, public facilities, and infrastructure. Asbestos, a group of six naturally occurring fibrous minerals, was commonly used in construction materials due to its heat resistance, strength, and insulating properties. In Jewells, it was widely used in the construction of many homes, particularly those built in the mid-20th century. These homes, typically designed in the Australian vernacular style, often feature asbestos in their roofing, wall cladding, and insulation. Asbestos was also used in the construction of several public facilities and infrastructure within Jewells, including the Jewells Primary School and the local community hall. The timeline of asbestos usage in these places spans from the early 1950s until the late 1980s, when the health risks associated with asbestos became widely recognized and its use was phased out.

Today, asbestos-related issues pose significant challenges and health implications in Jewells. Asbestos, when disturbed, can release fibres into the air, which, when inhaled, can lead to serious diseases such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis. In response to these risks, local authorities have implemented measures to manage asbestos in prominent locations. For instance, at Jewells Primary School and the local community hall, asbestos has been identified and safely removed by licensed professionals. In addition, public safety measures, such as regular inspections and the development of asbestos management plans, have been put in place. Despite these efforts, there have been several significant health incidents linked to asbestos exposure in Jewells. In 2015, a report from the New South Wales Department of Health identified a cluster of mesothelioma cases in the suburb, highlighting the ongoing health risks associated with the legacy of asbestos use in the area.


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